Warehouse is nowadays a strategic pillar of company management that, if not correctly and efficiently organized, brings to a large waste of money.

A correct warehousing activity management it’s a priority for any company that has targeted an efficient production management

Have an efficient warehouse needs a consolidated  know-how and a complete analysis of any individual demand of the single business model of the customer

Is there in your company any inefficient process that could be improved?
Contact us and ask for our consultancy

Our skilled team is a reliable and skilled partner that could deeply analyze your organization and logistic flows. After a detailed analysis we will provide a detailed feasibility study that will represent the actual situation and we will propose the best solution that grants the improvement of any highlighted weak point.


The target is the improvement of the entire logistic area, flows optimization, costs reduction. Moreover data collected and filed by the system could be used in order to analyze the results, implement corrective actions in to improve perofmances.

Our system has been designed to be modular and flexible in order to offer the best solutions to our customer needs.
We design and adapt the solution proposed to be perfectly integrated in the customer current situation

A complete solution that covers all the areas

Thanks to a strong partnership with high qualified companies, we are able to offer to our customers beyond the Hardware and Software RTLS technology the following services:

  • WIFI services wherever necessary to implement the technology
  • WMS
  • Stocking area tracing service

We are happy to collaborate with

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